MelonSmasher is a site of humor and satire. We publish the only fake news that you can trust. We publish most funny and fake articles and stories in the world. All our articles are totally fake true stories. True story!
MelonSmasher covers absolutely all vital areas and explains them easily and clearly so that everyone can understand them. If you did not understand anything we published, we strongly suggest you reading it again… and again… and again! Until you will finally get it! Or maybe not… Again, true story!
MelonSmasher is the most independent entertainment portal in the world – nothing depends on it! Absolutely nothing!
MelonSmasher is a full vegan meat lover and totally stress free!
MelonSmahser had more than 5 million readers even before the very first news was invented. This is totally fake true fact!
10 minutes of MelonSmasher a day keeps a doctor away!
15 minutes MelonSmasher a day is healthier than 2 hours of exercising!
Awards and prizes received
The annual World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, which brings together business leaders, top politicians, intellectuals and journalists, found that only the MelonSmasher portal could save our planet from global warming, famine, refugees and of course, to end all wars. True fact!
“Great Success!” – These historic words about MelonSmahser portal were said by Borat, a great hero from the glorious country of Kazakhstan. We totally agree with him!

Is this site safe for work?
Yes, it absolutely is! We even suggest reading our articles INSTEAD of work! Work is not fun, our articles are 100% pure fun!
You, guys! I have a great news/story/picture/joke that the world just needs to hear. I want this story to published on your site!
Just submit your news/story/picture/joke here and we will do our best to share it with the world. Of course, we give no guarantees and keep us the right not to publish every story/hint sent to us. We receive thousands of hints every day and if we publish all of them, the internet will soon be full!
I sent you an e-mail but have not received any reply. Whatzzzzup?
We do our best to reply to each received e-mail. However, we get thousands of e-mails form our readers each day, and it is almost impossible to properly reply to all of them. Have just some more patience and soon we will reply you! We mean soon… Very soon… Very, very soon…. Maybe. Or maybe not.
I found content on your site that belongs to me. What now?
Whenever source is known, the author gets credited. Sometimes it is impossible for us to find out who is the author. If you want to remove your content from this site or you would like to be properly credited, send us an e-mail:
What is your top priority?
Our top priority is credibility and trustworthiness!
Stop laughing, please! 😀
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You can find our Privacy Policy here .