France sends Trump a $200 million demand for Statue of Liberty, claiming “unpaid gift tax”

Statue of Liberty with price tag

PARIS, FRANCE – International politics does not stop surprising! Now the French government has reportedly sent U.S. President Donald Trump an invoice for $200 million, claiming it as “unpaid gift tax” for the Statue of Liberty. 

French officials argue that the U.S. never properly settled the cost of the colossal copper lady, which was “gifted” in 1886 but, according to newly discovered fine print, came with a hefty processing fee. 

“We checked our records, and it turns out America owes us big time,” said French Finance Minister Pierre Dupont. “We were being polite for over a century, but now—zut alors!—we want our money.”

Trump, upon receiving the bill, reportedly responded with outrage, calling the demand “totally unfair” and “another scam by globalist socialists.” In a statement from Mar-a-Lago, he insisted that “the French should actually be paying me for making their statue famous” and suggested that the U.S. should “send it back if they don’t stop whining.” He also proposed replacing Lady Liberty with a 500-foot golden Trump Tower replica, complete with a neon “America First” sign.

In response, the French government has threatened to take legal action at The Hague, with one Parisian official joking, “If he doesn’t pay up, we’ll send the bill to Elon Musk instead. He seems to have cash lying around.” 

The international standoff continues, leaving the world wondering, if Trump will pay up, or will France repo the world’s most famous statue?

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