SECRET REVEALED: U.S. government is secretly run by 2 double-headed humanoids!

2 humanoids in White House

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In a shocking revelation that has left the nation in stunned silence (and mild amusement), pictures leaked from the White House confirm that the United States is governed by two towering, double-headed humanoids known only as “The Quadleaders.” 

According to sources inside the White House, these four-faced beings have lately been operating very actively, issuing presidential orders, passing laws, and occasionally arguing with themselves over minor issues.

Insiders describe the Quadleaders as highly active, energetic, medium-level intelligent, eccentric and frequently controversial in their actions due to constant debates between their four heads. 

“One head might approve a tax cut while the other vetoes it,” said an anonymous White House staffer. “It’s why Congress has been so dysfunctional – it turns out half the time they don’t even agree with themselves!” 

Despite the revelation, officials urge calm, assuring the public that the system remains stable – except for minor delays caused by the Quadleaders’ occasional four-way rock-paper-scissors matches to settle disputes. 

In response to the controversy, the White House released an official statement reading: “The American people should rest easy knowing that leadership remains in capable hands. Four of them, to be exact!”

* Image: Skidmore ,

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